My family and I are embarking on a new journey. We are adding to the family. We have just told our friends that we are pregnant with bub number two! We are very excited about this and can't wait to meet the new addition, even though it is numerous months away yet!

I must say, much to my husband's horror, that I could get addicted to this. I love waiting to see who has been created inside my womb. I was the same when pregnant with Rascal and it has been an absolute joy to find out who she is and who she has become so far. I am now itching to see who this number 2 bubby is. Will it be a boy or a girl? What will their personality be like? What will they look like? And I could go on and on. I could seriously get addicted to becoming pregnant and waiting to see who the little person is. We might end up with 20 kids! Well, I seriously doubt that, but I am addicted after all!
Will it be a boy or a girl? That is the question. I get many people, and I used to be in the category, who say things like, 'I bet you're hoping for a boy' or 'this one had better be a boy." And surprisingly, now that I'm on the other side, I don't actually think like that. The decision has already been made and it is out of my hands. I have loved having a girl with Rascal and I would honestly love another girl. I would also love to have a boy, so I wouldn't mind if it was one of that variety either! I used to shake my head in disbelief when people said 'I just want a healthy baby.' I would be thinking, 'as if they don't want a boy!!!!'  It's funny how the mind changes as you enter different life stages. Because I seriously, honestly, one hundred percent do not mind what it is. I will definitely find out, as I don't have the patience to wait, but I will not mind! 

I am looking forward to this journey again. Looking forward to feeling a baby move around in my tummy. Looking forward to meeting them and finding out who's been in there kicking me. It will be a ride!

Libby :)

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