Pardon the pun...

As I sit here now, ten months on and contemplating baby number two, my mind drifted back to those first few months with Baby Boy and my decision to breast feed. Feeds-ville seems to be a land where most new mothers spend quite a bit of time, particularly at the crossroad of Breast and Bottle streets. I have to admit that I did not decide to breastfeed because I wanted that bonding with Baby Boy (I was going to bond with him either way) and I did not choose to breastfeed because I had this romanticised image in my mind - I did it purely and simply because, based on my research I reached the conclusion that it was the best food for my baby.

Despite this, there were times there when I was in tears at the thought of having to feed Baby Boy again. I would sit an wish that he would stay asleep just a little while longer because I couldn't bear the thought of feeding him. At those times all I could think was: "Am I the only terrible mother to feel this way? Am I doing it wrong? If it's the right thing to do why does it hurt so much, the lactation consultant said it wouldn't hurt? Is formula really that bad? Labour was easier than this!"

Let me tell you now. That lactation consultant was a lying cow. Breastfeeding hurts. It hurt me and it hurt everyone I have spoken to. The weight did not fall off me. And Baby Boy still catches colds. But I am stubborn and I persevered anyway. I don't really know why because even now I don't enjoy breastfeeding and I don't feel particularly attached to it - I guess that's why I started expressing relatively early on.

When I was sitting at home with Baby Boy sucking like a Dyson on my red raw nipples, I wish someone had said to me: "It's normal. Breastfeeding hurts and it's not easy, but you are doing the best you can and the best you can is an amazing job!" Breastfeeding has gotten easier for me; it doesn't hurt anymore (except on the very odd occassion) and Baby Boy has gotten a lot faster at the whole thing, but I can see why people choose to bottle feed and I have to say: no judgment here.

But to those mothers who do choose to push through and keep breast feeding: Congratulations! You got this girl! You can do it!!!

xx. Mummy Arnold.

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    I am the proud (and slightly exhausted) mother of one very rambunctious twelve month old son, Baby Boy. When I'm not chasing Baby Boy around I work 3 days a week and I am also doing my Masters part time - what was I thinking???

    I love being a mother, but I think it is important to tell it like it is, so join me on my wild ride through first time motherhood and feel free to share your stories with me.

    xx. Mummy Arnold.


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