I am in the midst of planning Baby Boy's first birthday party and for ideas my first port of call was Pinterest, naturally... There were pictures of every sort of first birthday party imaginable - vintage themed, where the wild things are, the lorax, the very hungry caterpillar, moustache bashes, and on it goes. There were ideas for food and games and decorations and cakes. It was amazing and inspiring and overwhelming and just plain stressful...

What happened to the Woman's Weekly train cake, a few sausage rolls and frankfurters and some pass-the-parcel? Now, a party (according to Pinterest) needs to be more than that. A party isn't a party if it doesn't have a candy buffet and personalised backdrop and gourmet food and drinks; and above all, a party isn't a party if it isn't worth photographing and 'pinning'.

Despite all the stress this need to 'keep up with the Joneses' is causing in me, I will go above and beyond to put on an amazing birthday party for Baby Boy, but I'm going to try and keep it in perspective; Baby Boy's childhood will not be ruined if his cake sinks or the house isn't perfectly decorated. What is important is that he feels loved and supported and special on his birthday and every day after.

xx. Mummy Arnold.

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    I am the proud (and slightly exhausted) mother of one very rambunctious twelve month old son, Baby Boy. When I'm not chasing Baby Boy around I work 3 days a week and I am also doing my Masters part time - what was I thinking???

    I love being a mother, but I think it is important to tell it like it is, so join me on my wild ride through first time motherhood and feel free to share your stories with me.

    xx. Mummy Arnold.


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