The first week...
We are about five days into our trip and my advice for anyone thinking about travelling halfway around the world with an 11 month old is: DON'T DO IT!!!

The long haul flight from Perth to Las Vegas was relatively smooth. Baby Boy is not the greatest sleeper at the best of times and so, over the course of the 24 hour flight, he slept a total of about 5 hours (even though we had a bassinet for 23 of the 24 hours). Although he was awake, he was happy, calm and quiet, so we coped. For our three days in Las Vegas he was out of sorts - he was quiet, cranky, clingy and wouldn't eat (this is not like my super energetic, busy, noisy and hungry child) - he finally started being himself again just as we were due to fly from Vegas to Canada.

We caught the red eye thinking it would be the smartest option as Baby Boy would sleep the whole way. Boy, were we wrong. We were that family with the screaming baby for five hours on a red eye flight. Shoot me, shoot me now!

So suffice to say, not only is Baby Boy tired, but I am tired and so is Daddy Arnold. Off to bed now.

xx. Mummy Arnold.

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    I am the proud (and slightly exhausted) mother of one very rambunctious twelve month old son, Baby Boy. When I'm not chasing Baby Boy around I work 3 days a week and I am also doing my Masters part time - what was I thinking???

    I love being a mother, but I think it is important to tell it like it is, so join me on my wild ride through first time motherhood and feel free to share your stories with me.

    xx. Mummy Arnold.


    July 2013
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