Is it normal?
This must be the most asked or thought of question in pregnancy. 
Reflecting over my first pregnancy experience I can say YES it is normal! You can say YES it is normal to almost 100% of your symptoms, fears, emotions and what ever else you may be faced with. Sure high blood pressure is not the norm. However the other 400 things you may be faced with on a daily basis likely are! 
I cant believe now "on the other side" sitting here with my healthy baby how much I stressed over so many little things and how pregnancy is now a distant memory. All the heart burn, morning sickness, exhaustion, fear of child birth or worse loosing the baby before he would be at a gestational age to survive, pimples, raging hormones, resentment towards ... well everyone, constipation and yes even haemorrhoids in late pregnancy are normal and just a small few of the things you may be feeling or going through. 

Every week you will face new feelings and symptoms. Some people don't worry at all they breeze through pregnancy with that "glow" (what a load of bull that turned out to be!) However if you are the other 99 out of 100 women then you will be thinking, is it normal on a regular basis. Is it normal to crave whole tomatoes? Is it normal to not be able to sleep? Is it normal to gain 35kgs or better yet only gain 6kgs? Is it normal to not want sex? Is it normal to feel Horney  24/7? Is it normal to not feel a bond with my bump? Is it normal for my boobs/ vag to leak? YES!!! 

You can read every pregnancy book out and I am sure you will find some helpful info however you could read nothing and you may find you can actually relax more and enjoy your pregnancy. I brought 8 books! 8 not one of them armed me for what was to come with child birth, holding my baby and caring for him or my relationship post pregnancy. Sure I got a few tips but really I could have just waited till he was here and googled for the advice I got out of my $300 worth in books and hours upon hours of reading.

My advice for any mums who are expecting weather your 8 weeks pregnant or 32 weeks pregnant, give up asking yourself "is it normal" just take a deep breath run yourself one of your last child free baths, paint your toenails while you can still reach your feet. Go to the movies with your other half or girlfriends. PLEASE just enjoy this time in the moment now. Your baby is growing healthy and happily relax! Ow and another word of advice, when you hit about 20 weeks get those good maternity bras, They are worth it! Buy 4 you will need them breastfeeding or not. Even buy one size up cause girl your melons will be huge come D-day! 


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    I'm Rachael mum to baby Archer born 8/4/13 
    Hubby to be and I will be making our family official by getting married this coming October. We also have a baby of the fur kind Charlie. Loving being a new mum. So many challenges yet so worth every bit!


    May 2013



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