So it's been awhile since I last posted. I do apologise. This being a mum thing has knocked me around a little. I started off with the best of intentions to write a very regular blog. Then I discovered that the whole sleeping lots during the day thing didn't last very long. And I discovered that the whole 'contented' thing is hard.

But I realise that I have been blessed. My princess has a particularly happy nature. She plays happily most of the time. She is rarely upset for no reason. And it's fairly easy to determine the reason when she is upset. However that does not mean that I have been content. It does not mean that I have managed to keep my cool. After all, they do say that sleep deprivation is a form of torture. And that has been my main difficulty these last few weeks. It's easier than it was in the beginning, we're into a (kind of) routine and she settles so much better. But I just wish she would sleep for just a little bit longer. So far she wakes roughly every 3 hours. Some nights it's 4 hours, then every 2. Other nights it's 3 and 3 and then every 2. And it's starting to take it's toll. And I've discovered that it's not easy to be content and happy when you feel like a walking zombie.

In saying that, there are so many other women who have it so much worse than I. Who keep going with a smile on their faces. So I pick myself up and cherish these beautiful moments with my precious, precious baby. Because these moments are indeed fleeting and will not last.

4/7/2013 08:49:28 am

Welcome to a world of constant change. From happy to sad delirious to zombiefied dry to wet clean to soiled.


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    I'm a currently stay-at-home-mum to a beautiful little girl called Genevieve. This is my blog about being a contented mum. Not that I'm content all the time. But I'm learning to be. Thank you for joining me on my journey!


    June 2013
    May 2013



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