December 2012

Sunday 2nd December 2012

5:30am, what am I doing awake, it so early. Oh, that’s right! As I chuck in my bucket for the hundredth time, I think to myself that it going to stop. It’s got to stop.

As I just lay there in bed, exhausted and tired, I tried to wake Steve. “Honey, I know you didn’t come to bed till really late last night, so I’m going to ask Dad to take me to Flinders. I think I need to be admitted again.” Steve then opened his eyes and told me to do whatever I had to, to get better. I rang Dad and asked him to pick me up and drive me to Flinders. Within 20 minutes, he had the car reversed in the driveway ready for me to get in. As we drove to Flinders, I noticed that Dad didn’t look well. I asked him if he was ok, and he replied saying that he spent the night at Noarlunga and only got back home when I called him. I felt so bad. Here was my Dad, driving me to Flinders while he hasn’t had any sleep and was still feeling crappy. Dad drove up the Emergency ramp and dropped me off at the Emergency entrance. I stumbled trying to get my handbag out of the car, and as I got my balance back, I noticed 2 ambulance officers watching me. “Oh no, not the chuck bucket” one of them said to me. I just gave him a little smile and said, “Its my best friend” and walked inside and checked in. Dad came in 5 minutes later and sat next to me, and started rubbing my back. I was hunched over my bucket, vomiting over and over again. I didn’t care who was watching me in the Emergency Department. It was about 7am, and the nurse came around to check my temperature, blood pressure and to see if I needed anything. They always took good care of me. I decided to call Mum and let her know what was happening. Once I got off the phone, the nurse called my name, and with Dad holding me up, we walked to the Emergency beds. As soon as I laid on the bed, I had to vomit, so Dad gave me a vomit bag and started rubbing my back again.

The doctor came around and told me the usual, that I was severely dehydrated and that they would be putting in a gelco and giving me a few bags of fluids, as well as some IV Ondansetron. I passed out after they left. I remember waking up to Dad sitting on the end of the bed, rubbing my foot. I told him to go home and get some sleep, Steve would be here soon. He just sat there and watched me, with tears in his eyes. I’ve never seen my Dad cry or get emotional before. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to. As I gave him a little wave goodbye, and I saw tears start to roll down the side of his face, and then he was gone. It got me started. I laid there, in and out of consciousness for about 3 hours. The nurses came and checked on me, to see how my blood pressure was going etc. Steve came in at about 1pm, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “How are you feeling, honey?” he asked. I replied with a sigh. By 3pm, the doctor came in and told me that the ward was ready for me, so off we went to 4SMG again. I got comfy in my bed and went to sleep.

I was discharged on Wednesday 5th of December 2012 and returned home again, with more medication and more scripts.

Friday 7th December 2012

It was my birthday. The big 2-1. How am I meant to be excited about my birthday when I feel like this? Steve rolled over to face me in bed, as I laid there tired and exhausted. “Happy birthday my love!” he said, kissed my forehead and handed me a card and a box. I opened both of them, to find a gold diamond heart pendant and chain that he had bought me. It was gorgeous! As Steve left for work, Mum came round and helped set up for my party, for the following day. She cleaned the inside of the house and the outside, set up all the chairs and tables and brought food over ready for the BBQ lunch. I felt so bad that I couldn’t help her.

Saturday 8th December 2012

I couldn’t believe how many of our family members where present at my party. It felt amazing to see them all again. The BBQ was going, snacks were on the tables and everyone was engaging in conversations with each other. As I sat in a chair with my chuck bucket, Steve whispered in my ear, if we should tell everyone that we are pregnant. I nodded in response. As we got everyone’s attention, Steve and I stood up and announced that we were expecting our first child together. Everyone started cheering and clapping. We then told them all about how sick I've been and that’s why I was carrying around a bucket, just in case. As everyone left, they all came to Steve and I and congratulated us and gave us big hugs and kisses. What a day, I actually ate food, saw our families again for the first time in months and I didn’t even vomit once! Awesome!

Monday 17th December 2012

9:30am, and I’m on my way to Noarlunga, again. I couldn’t stop vomiting for the last week. 7.5 hours later, a number of bags of fluids, more IV Ondansetron and I was on my way home again.

Monday 24th December 2012

It was almost Christmas, and I was in Noarlunga, again. 6 hours later, more fluids drained into me, more IV Ondansetron and I was able to go home.

Monday 31st December 2012

New Years Eve, and I was on my way to Flinders. I couldn’t stop vomiting, just one after the other. I couldn’t keep a lollypop or water down, for the last couple of days. As Steve and I waited in the Emergency Department, we noticed that it was rather quiet, for a New Years Eve. As the nurse called my name, we walked over to the beds and she got me hooked up to the drip and gave me some IV Ondansetron. She then took my blood sugar level, and within a few seconds she walked out to see the doctor. The doctor came in and said that I’d be having a pure glucose drip, due to my blood sugar reading being 1, when its meant to be around 6 or 7. After a few hours, the glucose drip finished and then I was back onto the normal fluids. I just tried to sleep as much as I could, I was so tired. The doctor came around and said that I was going to be admitted, and that 4SMG would be closed for the next few days. So at 1:30am, I was moved to ward 5D to where they had a bed waiting for me. Steve tucked me in and gave me a kiss goodnight and said he will be back tomorrow. I’m so lucky that I’ve got him in my life. I then fell asleep within minutes of him leaving. 

I was discharged from Flinders on the 10th of January 2013. I ended up going in and out of Flinders and Noarlunga for the next 4 months for the same treatment.