Wednesday 10th July 2013

It was 10:30pm and I was having regular, strong contractions that were coming every 3-4 minutes and lasting a minute long. Mind you, I was having contractions like this for the last week and a half, and I had braxton hicks throughout my pregnancy, but every time I'd go to bed for the night, they would stop. I decided to call my midwife and let her know that I think this might be the real thing, she said that I definitely sounds like it. ITS HAPPENING!!! SHE'S COMING!!! So Steve packed the suitcase, and we headed down to Flinders Medical Centre. As we arrived, we went to our room and got settled in. At 1am on Thursday the 11th, my midwife came around and did an examination and said that I was 3cm dilated and that my cervix was paper thin. She said she would come around at 4am and see how I was going. At 3am, she came by and said that my contractions weren't lasting long enough anymore, so she decided to break my waters and get things going. Thank goodness, cause I was over having these contractions coming and going everyday! 

As the contractions were getting stronger, I asked for the gas and air. Steve helped me to lay down on the bed and told me to concentrate on my breathing, as the bath was being filled. The bath was ready and I got it. It was so nice and warm! Steve sat next to me, holding me up, so I didn't fall in. Still breathing the gas and air through the contractions. I suddenly felt so much pressure down there, and I said that I felt like I needed to push, but my body wasn't ready, I was only 7-8cm dilated by then. My midwife and student midwife took my obs and listened to her heartbeat through the contractions, and they noticed something sounded different. Her heartbeat was dropping, and dropping fast. They told me to get out of the bath and get back onto the bed. I was so high as a kite on the gas and air, that I could barely walk! They took my obs, and it dropped again. My midwife said that I needed to start pushing. I grabbed Steve's hand and he grabbed my back. I started pushing, and as I pushed, the midwife pushed my cervix over Little Miss' head. My close friend Jess arrived. I was pushing for about half an hour, when something wasn't right. Every time I pushed, I felt her suck back in. She couldn't get past the bend in my pelvis, cause she was posterior, and that my contractions were slowing. The doctor ended up coming in and saying that they were going to help me get her out. 
Seconds after birth
Steve cutting the cord
Within the time between my next contraction, I was in another room, with all these doctors around me and on another bed. Another contraction came, and I started to push again, as I pushed, the doctor put the ventouse on her head. Next contraction came and I pushed as hard as I could, and they pulled her. At 7:34am, SHE WAS OUT!! The doctor put her on my chest right away, while Steve cut the cord. The doctor then pulled the placenta out and started stitching me up, cause they had to cut me to get her out. We hugged and held her till the doctors had to take her away, to give her some more air, cause she was in shock. The doctor said that they were going to take her to NICU, as they weren't happy with the colour distribution on her tummy. Steve went with them. Jess was so happy to be present and to be able to take photos of the birth of our little girl. Steve came back and helped me shower and then we were off to see her. I gave her her first feed in the NICU, with the help of my midwife. 

After 4.5 hours of active labour, we decided to named her Eve Winter. She weighed 7lbs 8oz and was 52cm long at birth. 
<3 Family <3
2 hours later, she was in our room sleeping soundlessly. We ended up staying overnight, and we were then on our way home, as a family the next day. 

Everyone who knows me, knew that I wanted to have a waterbirth and wanted to do delayed clamping, but I wouldn't change a thing about her birth, she is happy and healthy, and in my arms. 
Our precious little Eve Winter