October 2012

25th October 2012

My alarm woke me up, and as I did every month before my period was due, I routinely checked to see if I was pregnant. So I peed on the pregnancy test and waited. It felt like forever to get a result! After a few minutes, I picked up the test and squinted at it. There was 1 strong line and 1 very faint line. I ran into the bathroom to show Steve and I asked him, "Honey, does it count if theres 1 strong line and 1 faint line?" He said he didn't have a clue. We both just stood there, confused and staring at each other, with huge smiles on our faces. 

That day at work, I asked my very close friend if the 2 lines counted. She said they did, and CONGRATULATIONS! I just stared at her for what felt like ages. During my lunch break, I rang Steve and said to him that it does count and that we were finally pregnant! 

That night, I did another pregnancy test, just to make sure. Sure enough, the 2 lines were there again!

26th October 2012

The next day, I went to the doctors and took my 2 pregnancy tests in to show him. He said, "I knew you were going to come in today and show me something. I just didn't realise that it would be 2 pregnancy tests! Congratulations Chloe, you're definitely pregnant!" I couldn't believe it! FINALLY! We went through my EDD, which is the 7th of July 2013(my mums birthday), what sort of birth I want, which is a waterbirth with no drugs, we went through if I wanted to go privately or publicly, and what I should be taking regarding medications etc. 

Once I got in the car, I rang Steve and told him the news. He still wasn't 100% convinced that we were pregnant, so I went to the chemist and the shops to buy more pregnancy tests. I ended up getting about 4 different brands of tests, and ended up peeing on all of them. They all came back positive! I sent him a picture of all the tests and told him that we were DEFINITELY pregnant. 
All the positive pregnancy tests.
Little did we know, that it was just the beginning of something more serious and harmful, than we could have ever imagined...

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