I have noticed on Facebook lately that there are lots of people having babies or about to have babies. The reason I have noticed this is because I have also noticed that these poor super-pregnant-in-the-height-of-summer women, are being harassed, oops, I mean asked, if they’ve had their baby yet.

At the end of pregnancy, it’s highly likely that you’re uncomfortable, you can’t sleep and you are just painfully waiting to have your baby. Being asked via text message, Facebook or over the phone, “Have you had your baby yet?” probably isn’t something you appreciate.

Prior to having a baby I am SURE that I did this to many people. I’m truly sorry about this now that I have been on the receiving end. I realise that people asking are well meaning. They don’t mean any harm and they are really just taking an interest in an exciting time in your life. But I wonder how much they have thought about that question. What possible responses do people expect? “Actually I’m in labour right now, thanks for asking.” Or perhaps they think they’ll get, “Yes, I have had the baby and forgot to tell people.” :)

As I’m sure you can tell I did not appreciate this question in my final weeks of pregnancy. It was like rubbing salt in a wound. Here I am, super fat, super uncomfortable, super low on sleep, super impatient and I have people at me to find out something that I am obviously not going to forget to announce at the right time for myself and hubby.

But… I realise it’s possible I’m the only one that feels this way. What I really want to know, is where all the current and past preggos stand on this. So if anyone cares to place their vote, simply write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the comments section under this blog entry.

Yes = I’m happy to be asked in my final weeks of pregnancy “Have you had the baby yet?”
No = I’m not happy to be asked in my final weeks of pregnancy “Have you had the baby yet?”

I think it’s probably clear where I stand on this. But where do you stand?